Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Look around. Opportunity application idea.

How many people do you pass daily ? 
Have you ever thought that every one of them is a potential opportunity to make your life much more easy and interesting than ever before ?

I did. 

And that is why I am still passionate about making an application to connect useful people according to their needs and experieces. 

I believe that there are plenty opportunitites walking around our daily lives. They are our neighbours: they live around, walk and drive the same way you do, and even work the next building from you. 

And you have never thought that somewhere around lives a same minded person, who was born to become you business partner. 

It was also quite inconvenient to talk with strangers about your personal needs or aspirations.  And that is why all your life you've been living in small box of possibilities. 

But now the time has come. In the age of global village there is no more borders to ease your life. 
All the universe surrounds you ! Just look around.

I have a hand drawn prototype, money and time to make this application.
I am looking for investors, designers, programmers, and partners to make this idea into a great useful application !

Monday, October 13, 2014

Dark side of Thailand. Detention room story. Bangkok.

Sometimes things go the other way we plan.
Sometimes things go completely the opposite way.

This time instead of one month vacation in Thailand I was put in detention room under the Suvarnabhumi airport in Bangkok. At the passport contol it turned out that I have too many "visa runs" in past and can't come to Thailand without visa, as I used to believe. Unfortunately, there is not much information about this.

So I didn't enter Thailad and after a few hours I found myself in a local "prison" for a people awaiting for deportation.

For a 700 baht a day I learned many interesting things about the rules and laws of the Kingdom and here are a few of them.

1. There is a law that Thai immigration can refuse your entry if they find you suspicious.
That was also one of the reasons for me, but the fun victim of that law was one guy from Qatar Airways crew.
He uses to fly quite often and visited Bangkok about three times for the past week, staying for a short time.
So the guys from immigration thought he can do something wrong, like childred abuse, etc., and brought him in the detention room.

2. Nobody secured from being suspicious.
As that guy, working for the airline company, I found many other lucky people to spend some time with me.
One of them left his money in his baggage and was unable to show 700$ on control. But only his watch was much more exensive than that.

3. It is not so easy to get out of the detention room.
One of my new friends with diplomatic passport has bought a ticket to Afghanistan, but still was unable to get out because one can't fly away by Qatar, Emirates, and Etihad. I spent there 4 days and all this time he was trying to find a flight to get out.
As for me, I wasn't ablo to buy ticket by myself because someone from the aircompany I flew in should come after me. But the aircompany was closed for 4 days and the immigration office refused to make it the other way.

So be wise and don't be suspicious !

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Queen's passion. Crown qiveaway.

For the past few weeks I ve been doing one more thing that came to me easily and took huge part of my attention.

It is an easy-advertising campaign for my true love, who asked me to do something with photos she made recently. And we made a Queen Crown/s Easy Advertisement campaign in less than a week. And already got one young Queen. So this promotion promises to be successfull.

Meanwhile, I practice easy, fun. and successful
solutions for everyone and everything for free. Don't hesitate if you are currently looking for one, be it personal or your business.

Every girl, woman or lady who feels herself like a Queen
should make a selfie in Instagram and make a comment "@mamaliubacom #iamthequeen"
This fall 10 Queens from all around the world will get bright and fashion crowns

Monday, September 22, 2014

Paper passion

As I wrote before I got two passions right now: "opportunity app" and paper wallets. Now I am definitely obsessed with wallets.

These DIY and ART friendly wallets are simly a canvas for creativity. You can make anything you want on them and this will be not just a wallet, but a masterpiece in your pocket !

And I did it. I got a stickerbook and some Instagram photos and updated a few of paper wallets.
I put a photo of my beloved woman to see her smile everyday.
I made one for her with a #skunny toy that she has created recently.
And I bombed one with stickers from stickerbook of Presnya Family (

Unfortunately, I got a problem after that. All of these wallets were looking so nice and attractive that I wished to have them all.

So be careful with paper wallets: they are impermanent and extremely attractive !

By the way if you want one for free, you can get it with 5 free photo stickers from your Instagram.
Just check peprforpapers facebook page for guidance

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Look Around

Have you ever noticed people around you ? Total strangers surrounding you almost everywhere outside your house. These are the people. 

Did you know that every single one of them have a unique set of skills and experiences ? Every single one ! Believe me.

Now imagine how many people you pass everyday. And do you have neighbours ? I bet most of you don't even know most of your neighbours' names.

But every one of them is your opportunity. An opportunity to make your life easier of an opportunity to excel in anything ! And that is true !

Look around is an application for you to meet these people. The people who are open to help each other, the people who are open to new useful connections and self-development. And this application will open a possibility to find the one you need, basing on your location. 
Just imagine that you can find same minded person and your future business partner on a bus stop. And now just think about you've been passing her everyday for a couple of years. Just because you are not very open to strangers.
And I am ! Actually I am an introvert and talking with total strangers is a torture for me.
But when you have an interest in each other that is a completely different story ! 

I believe that we are passing through a billions of opportunities every day. And I want to change it to meaningful and easy connections with interesting and useful outcomes !

All the universe surrounds you ! Just look around.

Behold the universe ! here I am.

Hi there !

My name is Anton and some people used to thing that I have grape instead of my brains, so that is why I am also @grapybrain

A few things about me.

I am an unemployed inventor and creator of things and this blog will be all about my current and future projects.

For now I have just a few projects to put my passion on: eco wallets for a bright life and an application for useful collaborating in digital neighbourhood.

Eco walles are wallets made from recycled paper and super friendly for DIY, art and stickers !
There is an idea behind these wallets that everything is impermanent: money, art, things, emotions - and these wallets are the pratice of impermanence and easy attitude towards this fact.
What is more important is joy and pleasure in this impermanent world - that is what these wallets about.
And now I am in need of designers, photographers and illustrators who share the same idea and want to spread all around the globe :) Why now ?
Here is the facebook page of the wallets and even an open call for artist with a brief and details.

Second one, is Look Around. The row idea of an application for useful connections withing your digital neighbourhood.
The idea behind this is in the usefullness and unqueness of everyone in this world. Everyone possess its personal set of skills and experiences and sometimes these can be useful for other people. And sometimes the one with a certain experience you are looking for can be your bus neighbour or just a person who works next building from you. All the universe surrounds you. Just look around !
The more about this idea I will try to express in future posts.

And by the way I am always open for collaboration and new connections. So if you find something interesting here, I am ready to know about it.

Aslo I have an Instagram account @graipybrain where I can try to put stories behind the pictures and make some viruses, such as one I started a few day ago #unroutinevirus.

Have a nice time
and stay on you way !
Cheers !