Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Look around. Opportunity application idea.

How many people do you pass daily ? 
Have you ever thought that every one of them is a potential opportunity to make your life much more easy and interesting than ever before ?

I did. 

And that is why I am still passionate about making an application to connect useful people according to their needs and experieces. 

I believe that there are plenty opportunitites walking around our daily lives. They are our neighbours: they live around, walk and drive the same way you do, and even work the next building from you. 

And you have never thought that somewhere around lives a same minded person, who was born to become you business partner. 

It was also quite inconvenient to talk with strangers about your personal needs or aspirations.  And that is why all your life you've been living in small box of possibilities. 

But now the time has come. In the age of global village there is no more borders to ease your life. 
All the universe surrounds you ! Just look around.

I have a hand drawn prototype, money and time to make this application.
I am looking for investors, designers, programmers, and partners to make this idea into a great useful application !

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